Connect, learn, and prosper with the HoneyBricks community

Our community of investors is your personal brain trust and sounding board — whether you are a professional investor or just starting out in commercial real estate. 

Request Invitation

Request your private invitation

Applications are reviewed once a week. Request access now to claim your spot.

HoneyBricks is not just a tokenized real estate platform. We’re a community.

In our community, you'll find information about HoneyBricks and our real estate operations including:

  • Pipeline overviews: Investments we’re looking at and what we’re seeing in market
  • Product updates: Whats new in the product

As well as key information on specific investments:

  • Before investing: Due diligence on specific investments
  • During investment: Updates on current investments, trends and their progress 
  • Post investment: Tax implications & insights on upcoming investments

We ask all members to follow a few guidelines

Don’t worry, the rules are simple but the policy is final — any violations will be reviewed and are subject to removal from the community. We do this to help maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all members.

Be Respectful

Always be supportive and helpful to others.

Keep It in the Community

Conversations should be kept within the community and not shared without the permission of others.

Actively Participate

The quality and usefulness of this community depends on you. We encourage you to share.

No Selling and No Lead Generation

This space is for investors to connect and learn from each other. Please do not contact a member in order to solicit them without their explicit permission.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the HoneyBricks community?
I want to invite a friend, why can’t I add them?
I applied — how long will it take for my application to get approved?
How do I add the community to my Discord?
Who moderates this group?

Grow your wealth

Multifamily real estate provides cash flow, wealth stability, and diversification. We help you get there.